
  • Definition of a polygon: A set of connected line segments which are connected end-to-end and form a cycle
    • Simple polygons (non-adjacent edges should not intersect) vs. non-simple polygons
  • Jordan Curve Theorem: Every simple polygon divides the plane into two components.
    • circa 1877; complex proof
  • Art gallery problem: What is the min. number of point lights are required to fully illuminate a polygon room of n vertices (G(n))?
    • It can be a simple or non-simple polygon of
    • The light originating from a source at point x can reach point y, iff, all points on the line segment xy are in the interior of the polygon
    • For 2-D, it is easy to see that .
      • The upper bound is not true for all 3-D polyhedra
      • Proof Sketch: Every polygon can be triangulated. The graph of the triangulation is in 3-COLOR. Place guards at all the vertices with the same color. Apply the extended pigeon-hole principle.
      • Question: Is this bound tight?
      • There are (n-3) diagonals, and (n-2) triangles.
        • Sum of angles =